Layaway Privacy Policy

Last Updated 4 years ago

We only collect the bare minimum information about you to provide in-store layaway service. So that helps us keep this policy as simple as possible.

Information Collection

We only collect information we actually need to collect in order to provide our layaway scheme to you. We'll need to collect the following information:

1) Full Name
We collect your full name in order to ensure we can verify who you are when you are making a payment or collecting your items.

2) Telephone Number
We also collect your telephone number in case a need to contact you arises.

Additionally we may collect the following information at your request:

3) Email Address
This information will be used to synchronize your current layaway information to your account on the Eternal Goth website. This collection is entirely optional.

We will store and keep any information you provide us with for the entirety of the time your layaway scheme is active.

If your layaway scheme is cancelled, or you request that your information is removed then we will immediately irreversibly delete the above information we hold about you.

Information sharing

This is simple, we don't share any of your information with anyone outside of Eternal Goth. We will never sell, share, or provide your information to any third parties.

Your information will only be seen by the Eternal Goth team who have a valid reason for viewing your information (for example, while they are serving you).

Information Usage

We use your information for the sole purpose of providing our layaway service to you. Your details may be compared with our online store accounts to find a matching account.

In the event that a matching account is found your layaway account information may be linked with our online store for the sole purpose of enabling online payments and layaway management.

This is an optional feature, and you may chose to not provide your email address. In this case no attempt will be made to compare or pair the two accounts.

Information Storage & Security

Your information will be stored on the same highly secured database servers which our web services use. These servers feature many advanced security measures to ensure all information is kept safe, encrypted and secure.

We're happy to say that we've never had a security breach - however, if such a breach were to occur we would notify you within 48 hours of us becoming aware of the breach.

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