When shopping online with us you have the ability to earn reward points. These reward points are automatically calculated based on the price of the item and use the same multiplication on all items regardless of their price, ensuring a fair, predictable and simple reward system.
If you're logged into your account when you make your purchase, points are issued as soon as your items are shipped to you.
You will receive the total points available for the entire order. For example, if you purchase two items which both offer a 300 point reward, you will receive a single reward of 600.
Unfortunately for cancelled orders points will not be issued.
Once you've earned points they can be applied to your total basket value to provide a discount, or even used to pay the full price of an item (if you have enough points).
They can be added by visiting your basket and entering the amount of points you would like to use.
You can quickly and easily view and see your current reward points and history by visiting the Reward Points section in your user control panel.
From here you will see a full history of when you were awarded points, how you spent them and your current points.
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